

We always welcome new members to our u3a. If you wish to join, please complete the application form below and click the ‘Submit Membership Request’ button at the end. There is a slight delay once the 'Submit' button is clicked so please only click it once

Should you prefer to download the membership form please click HERE

If you would like to discuss membership before applying, please contact our New Members Secretary, Helen Dew HERE

After you have submitted your application, our Membership Secretary, Trudy Atkinson, will be in touch to let you know the next steps and to organise payment. Unfortunately, we do not currently accept online payment through our website.

You will be invited to a New Members Link meeting, run by Ev Mirfin, to hear about the organisation and how you can get the most out of your membership.  Although attending is not compulsory, we hope you do come along. Ev will help you settle into our u3a.  

Membership fees

To join you pay £12.  If you are already a member of another u3a, you pay £8 per year to join us as you have already paid your £4 affiliation fee to the other u3a.  The membership year runs from April to March.

We have a quarterly magazine issued in June, September, December and March, The Buzz, which is included in your membership fee.  

There is a national u3a magazine, Third Age Matters, which costs £3.80 per year for five issues.  You can subscribe to this when you join.

Other costs: Indoor Groups request a £1.50 donation per meeting to offset a portion of room hire charges and some sport Groups have addition charges for venue hire.

Gift Aid

Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25p from The Inland Revenue, which is of no cost to you, helping your membership subscription go further. If you wish this subscription and all future subscriptions to Barnsley and District u3a to be Gift Aided, please check the 'Yes' box in the form below. Your membership subscription cheque or other payment must be drawn on your own bank account, or a joint bank account in which you are one of the account holders. You must update your details on our website (Profile tab) if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address. If you are not a UK taxpayer, or do not want your u3a subscription to be Gift Aided please check the 'No' box.  Please note that if you agree to Gift Aid on your subscription, you also agree to Barnsley and District u3a sharing your data with HMRC and retaining your personal data in accordance with their requirements.

New Affiliate
Full New member from another U3A
Renewal Date: 01/04/2025
New Member
New joining member
Renewal Date: 01/04/2025


(Please Select)
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Preferred Phone:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number:


Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:

Gift Aid

Gift Aid?:
Gift Aid Signature Date:
Open the calendar popup.


Paperless Renewals:
Paperless Communications:

Membership Information

Other U3A:


Would Volunteer?:

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Membership

All members must: -

  • Abide by the principles of the U3A movement
  • Always act in the best interest of the U3A and never do anything to bring the U3A into disrepute
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution
  • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee
  • Advise the committee of any change n your personal details

Membership Details

Barnsley u3a

            Bu3a Guide 2024           On line Safety Tips:.     Useful links 

              Job..descriptions.          Games and Puzzles   THE LITTLE BOOK OF BIG SCAMS