Barnsley & District u3a (bu3a) - Penistone Area Information


Attribution Helen Dew


This page is to help bu3a members that live in the Penistone area be more aware of new local developments in your area, drop-in meetings etc.

Please note that the Penistone area is not separate from Barnsley & District u3a. All members from either area are always equally welcome to attend groups held in the Barnsley and Penistone areas.

The Penistone Project has been created to enable those in the Penistone area to benefit from all of the facilities of the Barnsley & District U3A, whilst also benefiting from much easier access through also having groups more locally in the Penistone area.

We now have eleven groups in the Penistone area, plus the Drop In Session. They are:

Board Games, first and third Mondays in the Bar room, St John's Community centre at 7-9pm. We have a variety of games to choose from but are willing to be led by the group. Why not come and join us. We play Triominoes. Qwirkle, Great British Train Game, Mexican Train to name a few. New members are always welcome.

Bridge This group is for those who are improving or can play Bridge. It is held at Penistone Bowling Club, Back Lane, Penistone every Friday between 2pmm and 4pm. The coordinator is Peter Wooton.

Crown Green Bowling, 10-30 to 12.30 every Tuesday, at Penistone Bowling Club. The artificial green is wheelchair friendly and you will be made very welcome. There are also specialised wheel chairs that can be used on the grass green.

Patchwork Projects, first and third Tuesday of the month, 2pm to 4pm, Penistone Scout Hut, Wentworth Road. They also have a WhatsApp page to help and support each other.

Geography This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, in the smaller room at the Scout Hut on Wentworth Road, from 2-4pm.

Walking Group meeting on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, as announced. Please contact the coordinator for meeting points of each walk.

Canasta This group meets at Penistone Leisure Centre on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, 4-6pm. Come and learn how to play or show off your skill! Friendly group welcoming new members.

Crafty Chat, every other Friday, 2-4pm. At Penistone Scout Hut, Wentworth Road in the smaller room. We welcome all craft makers be that knitting, sewing, embroidery, cross stitch, rug making, crochet, jewellery, etc, etc. New members are always welcome.

Paramount Theatre Group Meeting as announced. This group visits the theatre to see live productions, live streaming, ballet, and occasional films. Please contact the co-ordinator for details.

Art Group Penistone Every Friday 1pm to 4pm at Penistone scout hut, Wentworth Road, in the larger room. All abilities welcome.

MOTO Penistone. This group is for Members On Their Own and will meet once a month at Penistone scout hut, Wentworth Road in the smaller room, on a Friday 1.30pm to 3pm as advertised. They will organise day trips, meals out, theatre etc as the group decides.

Penistone Drop In Sessions
These are held at St. John's Community Centre, IT room, just off the main hall, between 10am and 12 noon, on the first Thursday of the month. Come and find out what is happening in your u3a. Information on Travel Group, new groups and social items will be available as will The Buzz Magazine. This is open to all members and prospective members. Call in and see me and enjoy the refreshments at the Country Market!

Walking Football
Walking Football is played at Dodworth Miners W.C .It is played weekly on Fridays with a 10.00 am k.o
Cost is £ 3.00 per game, after the match we retire to The Clubhouse for a cuppa which costs £ 1.50p .

Walking Cricket meets at Shaw Lane Cricket Ground on Wednesday every other week and Thursdays every week

Note from Travel Committee
Day trips and overnight stays organised for Barnsley u3a will pick up in Penistone. Stays of two nights or more pick up from home by taxi and you are then taken to a central point.

Barnsley u3a

            Bu3a Guide 2024           On line Safety Tips:.     Useful links 

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